

by Endurance International Group

Best For

Bluehost is best for hosting sites online, and for purchasing domain names. To have a website you need two things, web hosting, and a domain name. This is most top recommended and number 1 choice around the world!

Product Details

Bluehost is one of the largest website hosting providers and powers millions of websites. It makes it easy and quick to get a website up and running, has an easy-to-use cPanel interface that’s ideal for beginners, features a wide array of great features, is generally fast, has reliable servers, and has some pleasantly surprising security features for a budget-friendly web host.


Shared hosting at Bluehost costs between $8.99 to $25.99 monthly after renewal (discounts the first year available).  All plans include a free domain the 1st year. Their WordPress optimized hosting starts at $39.99 a month. VPS is $29.99, cloud hosting starts at $9.99 and a dedicated server for $120 monthly.

Bluehost Features

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